December 21, 2010

A unique guide to the I Ching readings

Word of the most popular dialect of the I Ching, the Chinese, literally means the wording will change directory. Even as a classic Zhouyi changes and other Chinese dialects known. Geomancy in West Africa and the West, Ifa, the art is essentially a standard way, a taste of the application or situation to come. Ching is a text on an old piece to teach. The book is growing that links the vision of the philosophy and cosmology of his own methods of divination developed. This practice is the idea of a dynamic balance of opposites, the presence of a healthy process and acceptance of inevitable change.

USP of this type of prediction is as follows:

* A person can train themselves, Ask a monthly reading in response to the burning question
* It is very easy to understand the basic concepts and the calculation results of the consultation
* What's easy for the technology: pen, note book to record comments, a guide to the basic graphics and three coins are made in each case must be

The titles are selected taking into account the principle that it would be particularly important for the people, for example, the currency of the country, which is especially important that may be the individual or the currency of their year of birth, etc.

The person must remain open to question. Make sure that this survey is the main problem in his life, otherwise it could lead to an incorrect result. This is based on the fact that the arts inform the person concerned, at this stage it is necessary to him. Person required to initiate the three-part six times and save a selected number of head and tail, appears every time.

Deductions to take account of its result, stated in the manual, especially the I Ching. I Ching readings to a large extent the concept of yin and yang, after which the opposite poles, or the seemingly opposing forces are interdependent and that they actually lead to another.

While the Yin Yang is a bad one. Amount represented crowned with continuous or broken lines. Although the solid lines represent the yang, the dashed line the Yin. Because currencies should be more than six times, providing an overview of the six hexagram lines is beginning. Hexagram consists of two models, three lines, called the Trigram. The upper sign is always part of the model of three rows of three people last trip, while the lower trigram of it consists of three different models from the first three versions.

The relative position and number of yin and yang trigram lines to define their role. I Ching Each guide contains a grid that explains the different upper and lower trigram trigrams in both axes.

Only the examination table, he must find a place that now has not shown his party. Is sixty-four terms from two trigrams can be performed hexagram is unique. These communicate sixty four more instructions.

Although these holidays I Ching readings on the internet which is very easy to points of view by wiping a single system of three strikes have read .

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