December 17, 2010

I Ching Feng Shui

I ching feng shui is the Chinese art of numerology which not only predicts the life cycle of any individual but also decides and predicts the way the whole world would shape all around us. It works with 64 hexagrams that are arranged in a definite fashion.
The first two starts with heaven and earth (which is also known as the receptor). The next 60 hexagrams are paired in two to give 30 pairs and the last two signifies fire on earth. All these actually can account for the future of earth quite confidently. This aims to determine the phases and stages of the ever developing mother earth and the shaping of its fate.
So in total there are 384 lines in the total 64 hexagram structure (64*6=384). A person called McKenna has assigned different mathematical values to each of these 384 lines. From these values he has designed a curve which has the property to reflect the most important events that will mark the developments and fate of the world.
The peak as well as the bottom of the curve remarkably coincides with the events that took place in the history of human civilization to design earth. This curve also marks the interval between two such important events, which can be easily verified by you if you make a close study. His most amazing and at the same time most frightening conclusion was the finding of the date 21/12/2012.
All the events and important dates fall into place if we take the bottom of the curve as 21/12/2012, which actually marks the bottom of the curve. This means that on this particular date earth will cease to exist and hence it marks the end day of our planet.
But the time wave theory which is made good use actually has a hopeful message in the study of I ching feng shui. The last two hexagrams actually signify a point after and before the completion and not exactly the end of the world. It represents the fact that the curve is not complete and so naturally the end is not known and implies indirectly that time continues in this way and maybe earth will go on flourishing as time passes.
Long time back Shao yong of the Sung dynasty of China made use of I ching and found out a method of counting time by dividing it into yuan, huai, yun and shi. So I ching fengshui is an age old import that has been passed down up till the modern times.
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