January 23, 2011

What is in store in 2012


Day, the man was a prophet - 21 December 2012. What is the basis of these forecasts? This is something you should be prepared? In fact, the "Apocalypse" There are many old documents. Mayan calendar, for example, be able to predict the moon in the distant future eclipse ended the day with the title "Winter Solstice, to be the 2012.Asians also has its own version appears at the end of the world is a book "I Ching" or "the book of changes" that was written in the writings of the ancient Chinese. I-Ching is a tool to predict. postgraduate studies I-Ching and graphically all possible combinations of the line. Then I noticed that the instrument in fact, a prediction of 4000 years of Chinese history are also considered as the beginning of mankind. By the way, the researchers also completed artwork deadline 21 December 2012. Hopi Indians is that on a given day by the end of the world. They said that 21 December 2012, the sun rises higher than the melting of the glaciers at the poles. There will be several earthquakes and the sea is never quiet. If you look at these prophecies can see, they all refer to the ultimate disaster - flood, which recalls the famous story of the Bible. The Hopi Tribe also believes that 2012 is the fourth and last time in March destroyed.So the world is over? That's what some believe, but others think otherwise. Both parties agree in the future the earth and destroy humanity. The last two, however, December 21, 2012 a sacred time for the redemption of man. when people finally intervene and save the earth - As some theories about the universe "Age of Aquarius" in 2012 could be the year of the "Enlightenment". Then you can be of all races and religions. "From the New World without Evil, and hatred.The you must wait until the end of the world?" If he really has become, we will respond in faith to prepare it? If you choose the latter, how? Self-21. December 2012 at a number of questions open. We do not have the power to predict the future, but we have no choice - live today, preparing for a bleak future or a life today really want a better future. But it is right or wrong.What do not you think? Does it make a difference? You can always use what is happening, walk or can be prepared and be aware .

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