December 17, 2010

2012 Predicions - I-Ching Warns the World

This is the 1st post. 2012 prediction of the world in 2012 by I-Ching. I found the article from

2012 Predicions - I-Ching Warns the World

  The I-Ching has been touted as the "be all, end all" of predictors and prophetic statements. Literally, the "book of changes," this complicated Chinese method of predicting future events is based upon 64 hexagrams which are arranged according to mathematical and astronomical calculations. The order of these hexagrams and how they are attached together are very much subject to interpretation.
  However, according to Terrence and Dennis McKenna their interpretation says the I-Ching Calendar ends on the winter solstice of December 21, 2012, just like the Mayan Calendar. The work product is detailed and too long to set out here, but the calculations work out to December 21, 2012. Does this mean that the IĆ¢ Ching Calendar is predicting the end of the world as we know it? These calendars are based on the approximate length of an Age.
Astronomical Ages run for approximately 2,580 years, give or take where the actual change date is deemed to have occurred. Because of this variable the exact date cannot be determined. Going strictly by these calculations, yes the calendar is indicating that the current Age of Pisces is ending and the Age of Aquarius is beginning.
There is some controversy, however, as to whether the New Age will enter exactly on December 21, 2012. Experts say that we have been seeing the dawning of the Age of Aquarius for the past twenty years or more and its actual switch will not occur for another eighty or so years.
  What does the Age of Aquarius hold in store? While the current Age of Pisces has seen huge amounts of sociological and technical advances, it has not come without a cost. The toll on our environment from our increasing ignorance of our connection to nature and our inability to accept cultural differences, has made us susceptible to the drastic changes that it is said will occur when the sun falls in line with the Black Hole of our galaxy.
The Age of Aquarius, on the other hand, is projected to be a new age of understanding and hope. Ethnic diversity will become a new basis for learning to work together to re-build the planet, focusing on rejuvenating natural resources and respecting what each culture can bring to the equation of survival.
No one knows for sure what the effects of the astronomical phenomenon will be. It could mean a total physical destruction of the world, with floods, earthquakes and magnetic bipolarization. Scientists, however, dismiss an immediate destruction. Changes are expected to occur gradually.

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