December 30, 2010

Chinese New Year (2011) - Rabbit Year Elements!


Rabbit Year 2011 is considered with regard to the characteristics of those born during Rabbit Years. Influences of the 5 Elements upon these individuals are outlined and some general recommendations made before well-known links between longevity, Rabbits and this fourth Sign of the Chinese Zodiac are discussed

Year of The Rabbit (2011)

Your birth year, the Fourth Sign of the Chinese Zodiac? If you become 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72 (and so-on in 12-year increments). between 3rd February 2011 and 23rd January 2012 (when Rabbit Year ends) or know of a baby due during this period, this article might interest you and, similarly, those with partners, friends, relatives or colleagues in this category. Others might wish, in general, to discover what Chinese Culture and Tradition has to say about those born in The Year of The Rabbit.

Animal Games

Once, the animal Olympics were held to determine which animal should start the cycle via a race ending with crossing a raging river before a sprint home. Smart rat gave the cat the wrong start time, sneaked a ride on Ox's back over the river and dashed over the finish line first (Ox came second). The cat (Tiger) arriving late for the race came third, was furious, and consequently has been chasing the rat ever since! Lucky Rabbit (see below) found some stepping-stones and arrived next.

Rabbit Resume

Essentially Rabbits are relaxed, laid back and into various forms of cultivation. They are considered the most fortunate of the 12 Animal signs of the Chinese Ganzhi System.They rarely gamble (being conservative at heart and risk-averse) but do so skillfully when tempted. They are reliable and trustworthy and the last to renege on contractual commitments but can be a little too easy-going at times. Fond of gossip they are articulate, virtuous and well-liked. In relationship terms, Rabbits, who enjoy secure comfortable home-life, are most 'at-home' with those born under the Signs of the Sheep, Dog and Pig and least with those born under the Signs of the Rooster and Rat

Animals in Their Element

Underpinning the continuing 12 Year Animal Cycles is a 10-Year Elemental Cycle (5 Elements repeating sequentially in first Big Yang and then Small Yin Mode) with the Year Element (Yin Metal in the case of Rabbit Year 2011) modifying both Year Energies and Rabbit individual natures as shown below, So far, in this new 12-Year Cycle (beginning in 2008) Year Animals and Year Elements have been: 2008 Yang Earth Rat; 2009 Yin Earth Ox; 2010 Yang Metal Tiger and 2011 Yin Metal Rabbit. These will be followed in 2012 and 2013 by a Yang Water Dragon and Yin Water Snake respectively.

Rabbit Retrospective

Those born this Rabbit Year will be Yin Metal Rabbits but in earlier 12-Year Cycles this necessarily varied and their 'resume' requires modification as follows.

2011 and 1951 Metal Rabbit: Metal gives these strength and endurance (elemental colour white);

1999 and 1939 Earth Rabbit: Earth ensures the are well- grounded-- sometimes materialists (elemental colour yellow);

1987 and 1927 Fire Rabbit: Fired-up these can be Impatient, unpredictable and outgoing (elemental colour red);

1975 and 1915 Wood Rabbit: generous dreamers often versatile but introspective (elemental colour green);

1963 and 1903 Water Rabbit: Water makes these sensitive, emotional and eloquent (elemental colours blue/black).

Rabbit! Rabbit!

What does this mean for Rabbits? Well,becoming 12, 24, 36, 48 or 60 etc., in 2011, the Chinese believe one should spend time quietly meditating over the last 12 years and planning for the next 12--the exact opposite of the Western notion of wild birthdate celebrations-- instead a very quiet year spent focusing on self-review is indicated. You should avoid/put-off digging trenches, building foundations or laying drains i.e. major undertakings such as moving house (which would distract from this). I'm an Ox did this in Ox Year 2009, finding it a most useful experience.

Combining the 12 Animal and 5 Elemental Cycles gives 60 as a figure to consider and Rabbits reaching this key age in 2011 may be particularly well-advised to undergo this rewarding exercise. Year Animal/ Element birth combinations repeat after 60 years (hence the importance of self-review at this time) and if we add in the Yin/Yang dimensions of these calculations we get 120 asa figure to contemplate. The Chinese believe living in harmony with nature and the universe enables such lifespans and the 12 Animals and 5 Elements plus their Yin/Yang attributions represent these forces.

Rabbits gazing at the next full Moon should (like the Chinese) see themselves, (a Rabbit), there, standing under a tree, paw holding the elixir of life. From their reproduction rate, there's never going to be a world rabbit shortage! Thus the rabbit is a Chinese longevity symbol-- its lunar location emphasises this via links to the reproductive cycle. The 5 Elements, the 12 Animals.their Yin/Yang associations and longevity are all good subjects to meditate on during Rabbit Year 2011.

Sifu Peter Allsop M.Ed. teaches Shaolin Kung Fu and Qigong in Yorkshire and Derbyshire U.K. with almost 40 years experience and is Shaolin Fists International Area Instructor for this region. A Senior Student of Grandmaster Yap Leong, he is also Area Coach for his HYL (Health, Youth and Longevity) Energise Qigong Programme.

Trained in the U.K. and China, Sifu Allsop teaches Changquan ('Longfist') Wu Xing (5 Animals) and Wu Tzu (5 Ancestors) Kung Fu plus 5 Elements Qigong. Member of Sheffield Chinese Lion Dance Team and a Feng Shui Consultant, his interests include Iron Shirt, LongevityTraining and Chinese Culture. He also publishes 'Red Dragon Martial Arts Ezine'.

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December 25, 2010

Introduction to I - Ching

The seasoned wisdom of thousands of years has gone into the makings of the I-Ching. Both branches of Chinese philosophy - Confucianism and Taoism have their common roots in this ancient calssic, known also as The Book of Changes. The I-Ching alone, among all the Confucian Classics, escaped the great burning of the books under emperor Chin Shih Huang Ti in 213 BC.

The origins of the I Ching go back to mythical antiquity, as a book of divination and as a book of wisdom. All that is great and significant in Chinese cultural history takes inspiration fromt he I-Ching - aspects of the many related principles and symbols of the Chinese predictive sciences, its view of the Trinity, Heaven, Earth and Man, the concepts of Yin and Yang, balance and harmony, positive and negative forces, good fortune and misfortune, are all derived from interpretations of the texts and judgements of the I Ching's 64 hexagrams.

The I Ching's Hexagrams are each made up of six lines, one placed above the other. These lines may be either broken (--) or unbroken (-). Broken lines are known as yin and unbroken ones yang. These lines may also be changing or unchanging (ie a broken yin line can change to an unbroken yang line and vice versa). Thus the key to understanding the texts of the I Ching lies in the understanding of the placement of thse broken and unbroken lines in relation to each other.

The Hexagrams originated from three lined Trigrams (ie by doubling the Trigrams). There are 8 possible combinations of broken and unbroken lines when arranged in sets of three lines. There are thus 64 hexagrams (8 X 8 = 64) . When placed in sets of six lines, there are altogether 64 possible combinations of broken and unbroken lines. Each of the eight Trigrams symbolize different meanings; and their positionings contain suggestions of good or bad luck. This aspect of the I Ching's texts is what has made it China's premier classic on Divinations.

The I Ching's hexagrams contain symbols and ideas from nature, society and the individual. For those who consult the I Ching before deciding on some action, the hexagrams offer wisdom, warnings, and also specific predictions of outcomes thereby giving guidance on whether to proceed, wait or not to proceed at all. The hexagrams also advise on timing and behaviours and attitudes directly related to the specific question asked. Where applicable, it counsels further preparation, or advocates patience and even reveals misfortunes hidden in apparent good fortune and vice versa. Favourable or unfavourable conditions are described, and difficulties, whether at the beginning or at the end are revealed.

The six lines of the hexagrams contain 3 elements - a symbol, an event and a judgement. The hexagram itself represents overall indication of good fortune or misfortune. Interpretations of these elements are directly related to the question being asked. Thus, in consulting the I Ching, questions must be specific.

Each hexagram contains four trigrams. These Trigrams each have an attribute, a symbol and a characteristic and are also related to the five elements - water, wood, fire, metal or earth. The anatomy of every hexagram is made of two primary trigrams and two nuclear trigrams.

The two primary trigrams consist of the top three lines and bottom three lines. The two nuclear trigrams are made up of lines two, three and four (from the bottom) and lines three, four and five (from the bottom). The primary trigrams reveal the circumstances of the situation being consulted, while the nuclear trigrams reveal the prediction. The latter provide precise details for judging the nuances of predicted good or bad fortune. When consulting the I Ching, therefore, readers must familiarize themselves with the meanings of each of the eight Trigrams as well as what they each symbolize. The I Ching's texts on the 64 hexagrams may then be more fully understood, and predictions become clearer and easier to understand.

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December 24, 2010

The Five Elements: Essential Qualities of Chi

The five elements describe five essential qualities of chi (life force energy),
which you can use to enhance, control, or balance a space, depending on
your needs:

Metal—the quality of contraction, sharpness, focus; when too
strong, metal energy can make you sharp-tongued and critical
Water—the quality of flowing, making connections; too much
water energy can make you “wishy-washy” and indecisive
Wood—the quality of easy growth and progress; too much wood
energy makes you aggressive or impatient, lacking compassion
Fire—the quality of excitement, expansion, quickness; too much
fire energy can leave you stressed out and anxious
Earth—the quality of settling down, being receptive; too much
leads to depression, sluggishness, feeling stuck or weighed down

Each element can help shift your energy and/or the energy of your
space. When you understand the relationships between the five elements,
and how they can affect your space and your energy, they become a powerful
tool in your feng shui tool kit. Metal helps you concentrate and get
things done; its inward focus helps you clear your head and cope with
details. Water is helpful when things have been stuck for a while (think of
ice melting), and for improving communication. It is also associated with
cash flow and opportunities. Wood energy is associated with new beginnings,
and it can help you make smooth progress in the projects you undertake.
Fire creates heat and action, and is the energy to use when you want
to increase passion and intensity in any area of your life. Earth energy is
good when things are chaotic and you need more stability, or if your are
dealing with issues of commitment, nurturing, or receptivity.

December 21, 2010

A unique guide to the I Ching readings

Word of the most popular dialect of the I Ching, the Chinese, literally means the wording will change directory. Even as a classic Zhouyi changes and other Chinese dialects known. Geomancy in West Africa and the West, Ifa, the art is essentially a standard way, a taste of the application or situation to come. Ching is a text on an old piece to teach. The book is growing that links the vision of the philosophy and cosmology of his own methods of divination developed. This practice is the idea of a dynamic balance of opposites, the presence of a healthy process and acceptance of inevitable change.

USP of this type of prediction is as follows:

* A person can train themselves, Ask a monthly reading in response to the burning question
* It is very easy to understand the basic concepts and the calculation results of the consultation
* What's easy for the technology: pen, note book to record comments, a guide to the basic graphics and three coins are made in each case must be

The titles are selected taking into account the principle that it would be particularly important for the people, for example, the currency of the country, which is especially important that may be the individual or the currency of their year of birth, etc.

The person must remain open to question. Make sure that this survey is the main problem in his life, otherwise it could lead to an incorrect result. This is based on the fact that the arts inform the person concerned, at this stage it is necessary to him. Person required to initiate the three-part six times and save a selected number of head and tail, appears every time.

Deductions to take account of its result, stated in the manual, especially the I Ching. I Ching readings to a large extent the concept of yin and yang, after which the opposite poles, or the seemingly opposing forces are interdependent and that they actually lead to another.

While the Yin Yang is a bad one. Amount represented crowned with continuous or broken lines. Although the solid lines represent the yang, the dashed line the Yin. Because currencies should be more than six times, providing an overview of the six hexagram lines is beginning. Hexagram consists of two models, three lines, called the Trigram. The upper sign is always part of the model of three rows of three people last trip, while the lower trigram of it consists of three different models from the first three versions.

The relative position and number of yin and yang trigram lines to define their role. I Ching Each guide contains a grid that explains the different upper and lower trigram trigrams in both axes.

Only the examination table, he must find a place that now has not shown his party. Is sixty-four terms from two trigrams can be performed hexagram is unique. These communicate sixty four more instructions.

Although these holidays I Ching readings on the internet which is very easy to points of view by wiping a single system of three strikes have read .

December 17, 2010

I-Ching Numerology - Uncover the Hidden Secrets

  Among the various methods used for predictions, I-Ching and Numerology have gained immense popularity. The predictions are based on the various principles that these methods follow. It tries to help people to understand the changes in their lives and sometimes they gain enjoyment and solace from such predictions.
  I-Ching: I-Ching is based on the ancient Chinese system of philosophy and cosmology. It refers to 'Book of Changes' and dates back to 3rd century BC. It is based on the principles and scriptures which have being interpreted over the years and has become an integral part of the Chinese culture. It is study of the balance of opposites.
  The book consists of eight 'trigrams' which are three horizontal lines and 64 hexagrams which are six horizontal lines. Each hexagram is a set of two trigrams stacked together and has unique interpretation and meanings. The solid, unbroken lines represent yang and the broken, open lines represent yin. While yang refers to warmth, light and life, yin refers to cold, dark and death.
  I-Ching is practiced with the help of tossing three coins. When tossing the coin, the person must focus on the question in his mind. The three coins have to be tossed six times. For example, toss three coins and depending on the head-tail ratio of the coins, a line is drawn. This is first time. Then again the three coins are tossed and a line is drawn. This process is continued until six lines have been drawn. Once a hexagram is drawn, the structure of the lines and the hexagram itself is interpreted to solve the problem.
  Numerology: Numerology is study of mystical properties of numbers and has been studied for over 3000 years. It is believed that every number has a specific influence in an individual's life. It works as a tool to understand a person, his/ her nature and path of growth. The most important aspects are name of the person and the date of birth.
  Each of the alphabets of English script has a number attached to it which ranges between 1 and 9. There are two types of numbers used - core number, i.e. 1 to 9 and master numbers 11 and 22. While core numbers are calculated by adding numbers, master numbers cannot be reduced to single numbers. It leads to four numbers that can help in interpretation of the person - Life Path Number, Destiny Number, Soul Number and Inner Dream Number.
  Life Path Number is derived by adding the date of birth. It represents the core characteristic features of a person and is one of the most important numbers in numerology. Destiny Number is derived from the name as spelt by adding the value representation of each of the letters. It represents events, goals, one's ultimate mission in life and stands as second important number. Soul or Desire Number represents the hidden desires of a person. And finally, the Inner Dream Number which is least important but gains important with time as it represents the unrealized ideas which influence a person.
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I Ching Feng Shui

I ching feng shui is the Chinese art of numerology which not only predicts the life cycle of any individual but also decides and predicts the way the whole world would shape all around us. It works with 64 hexagrams that are arranged in a definite fashion.
The first two starts with heaven and earth (which is also known as the receptor). The next 60 hexagrams are paired in two to give 30 pairs and the last two signifies fire on earth. All these actually can account for the future of earth quite confidently. This aims to determine the phases and stages of the ever developing mother earth and the shaping of its fate.
So in total there are 384 lines in the total 64 hexagram structure (64*6=384). A person called McKenna has assigned different mathematical values to each of these 384 lines. From these values he has designed a curve which has the property to reflect the most important events that will mark the developments and fate of the world.
The peak as well as the bottom of the curve remarkably coincides with the events that took place in the history of human civilization to design earth. This curve also marks the interval between two such important events, which can be easily verified by you if you make a close study. His most amazing and at the same time most frightening conclusion was the finding of the date 21/12/2012.
All the events and important dates fall into place if we take the bottom of the curve as 21/12/2012, which actually marks the bottom of the curve. This means that on this particular date earth will cease to exist and hence it marks the end day of our planet.
But the time wave theory which is made good use actually has a hopeful message in the study of I ching feng shui. The last two hexagrams actually signify a point after and before the completion and not exactly the end of the world. It represents the fact that the curve is not complete and so naturally the end is not known and implies indirectly that time continues in this way and maybe earth will go on flourishing as time passes.
Long time back Shao yong of the Sung dynasty of China made use of I ching and found out a method of counting time by dividing it into yuan, huai, yun and shi. So I ching fengshui is an age old import that has been passed down up till the modern times.
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2012 Predicions - I-Ching Warns the World

This is the 1st post. 2012 prediction of the world in 2012 by I-Ching. I found the article from

2012 Predicions - I-Ching Warns the World

  The I-Ching has been touted as the "be all, end all" of predictors and prophetic statements. Literally, the "book of changes," this complicated Chinese method of predicting future events is based upon 64 hexagrams which are arranged according to mathematical and astronomical calculations. The order of these hexagrams and how they are attached together are very much subject to interpretation.
  However, according to Terrence and Dennis McKenna their interpretation says the I-Ching Calendar ends on the winter solstice of December 21, 2012, just like the Mayan Calendar. The work product is detailed and too long to set out here, but the calculations work out to December 21, 2012. Does this mean that the IĆ¢ Ching Calendar is predicting the end of the world as we know it? These calendars are based on the approximate length of an Age.
Astronomical Ages run for approximately 2,580 years, give or take where the actual change date is deemed to have occurred. Because of this variable the exact date cannot be determined. Going strictly by these calculations, yes the calendar is indicating that the current Age of Pisces is ending and the Age of Aquarius is beginning.
There is some controversy, however, as to whether the New Age will enter exactly on December 21, 2012. Experts say that we have been seeing the dawning of the Age of Aquarius for the past twenty years or more and its actual switch will not occur for another eighty or so years.
  What does the Age of Aquarius hold in store? While the current Age of Pisces has seen huge amounts of sociological and technical advances, it has not come without a cost. The toll on our environment from our increasing ignorance of our connection to nature and our inability to accept cultural differences, has made us susceptible to the drastic changes that it is said will occur when the sun falls in line with the Black Hole of our galaxy.
The Age of Aquarius, on the other hand, is projected to be a new age of understanding and hope. Ethnic diversity will become a new basis for learning to work together to re-build the planet, focusing on rejuvenating natural resources and respecting what each culture can bring to the equation of survival.
No one knows for sure what the effects of the astronomical phenomenon will be. It could mean a total physical destruction of the world, with floods, earthquakes and magnetic bipolarization. Scientists, however, dismiss an immediate destruction. Changes are expected to occur gradually.

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