January 23, 2011

I-Ching Coin : The Divine Secret


Very often in life, often through the questions on past, present and future. It was found that most people ask their future than in the past and makes it sometimes too much fun. different practice divination, what you need now. I Ching coins, a practice that combines the power of the energy and principles of the Tao gives life to the theory of change. This practice is closely related are the latest help and answers to suffer present.What form of divination in this context, history and mystery in itself. In the second half for the tradition that has written over 3000 years and no penalties, and the oral tradition in China. Anyone can help with this tradition to ask, I will only know the current in a healthy way. Almost all work at different levels have their conscience and seek only positive and negative energy, or yin and yang, the through.How work while to find answers to the coin, the first thing you need patience and the faith to carry on this practice . First question to be asked and then the coins. Each coin to represent yin and yang. Rolling three currencies, which in turn helps your doctor tell the results. Yang is largely positive, while negative, yin, height and angle of each selected 64 of the player who results.How money after reading an answer you get started understanding shows. Or is the Chinese character, the result was published, or short answer is written to be decrypted using the lines that the Yin-Yang tilt given. Well, there are a red and black lines in the structure of the hexagram are. This is the red lines are the changed situation and the black line of concrete. Dotted lines indicate negative energy and a positive continuous lines energy.Not little superstition may be associated with this practice. This is a very logical and interpret very scientific. Readers looking for answers, or his future very disappointed because you can not do. This practice is considered a legendary gift from the gods to give you a thorough examination of the company today. The focus on the question of when you turn the coin, and then see how it formulated its response, before they gradually .

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